Being aware of anorexia requires to you to evaluate the route you take to lose weight and reach your goals of a perfect body image. Everything you do to train your body into losing weight is a bit of brain washing, but there should always be limits. (Think of it as responsible gaming or drinking or recreational drug use.)
Learn about what anorexia is, and why unbalanced individuals losing weight drastically can be dangerously fatal. These individuals have a lot of serious issues in regards to self image, and looking thin.
First video is a manorexic, a male model who went too far into the dark side of achieving a perfect body in his own sick views.
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Click here to view the embedded video.
When you are making efforts to lose weight, make sure you are doing it right instead of developing a weight loss mental illness like this individual. She binges on junk food, and then purges every ounce of it like a sporting event.
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A segment by BBC Switch talking to people who have dealt with anorexia and eating disorders.
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Click here to view the embedded video.
4 part series about a mom helping her daughter deal with anorexia. Observe, and understand the actions of an anorexic towards eating, and tries to make food disappear by hiding the food she was suppose to eat all around the house. (Sometimes we feel like beating some sense into Katie who is gravely underweight! But is that acceptable towards a person with a food eating disorder / mental illness?)
Click here to view the embedded video.
Click here to view the embedded video.