We all need posters to get us motivated, to remind us the things we need to do to make it right. Losing is not easy, and the right motivational poster will go a long way in jump-starting your weight loss program.
Suffer the pain of Discipline or Suffer the pain of Regret (or the original version) – the potential of eating right and reducing fat is within all of us. Put in the discipline to regain the body shape you want.

A perennial fan favorite Weight Loss Motivational Poster from the Reddit community – a step by step approach detailing the different approached to food, exercise, habits between an overweight person and a fit person.

Real Weight Loss Transformation Timeline Poster – she lost over 70 lbs in 6 years and looks great. Weight loss is progressive and anyone with the correct mindset can do it slowly.

Don’t Put Limits on Yourself – we are all living as if we are already dead when we put limits on ourselves. People on a weight loss goal stop too often. We need to break that habit to cross over the failure threshold.