Obesity Prevention Tips # 8 – Ask Questions
If you are overweight or obese, start asking questions! What am I putting into my body? How many calories am I consuming? Are there bad foods that I can eliminate from my meals? Am I moving around...
View ArticleWatch That Expanding Waist Size
Once you hit age 70, you can throw BMI numbers out the door. Not that you shouldn’t care about it at all. Researchers have found that waist to hip ratios are a better determinant of whether you have a...
View ArticleSmall Bowl of Soup for Weight Loss
Enjoy a small bowl of soup in the morning instead of cereal with milk if you want to lose weight. Why? Cereal has a lot of sugar and carbohydrates. Mixed in with milk, then you are looking at a large...
View ArticleKeely Shaye Smith Weight Gain
Over the years as the Hollywood paparazzi followed Keely Shaye Smith and husband Pierce Brosnon around, they also captured Keely Shaye Smith’s weight gain. She’s tall with a big frame. In the photos,...
View ArticleWeight Loss Secrets
Weight loss comes easily to those who follow the secrets of losing weight of many celebrities and professional sports athletes. You want to lose weight fast like your favorite celebrities, sure you...
View ArticleFat Kids Blame Parents
Although fat kids can’t say it to their parents faces, but inside they all know it is the parents’ faults at encouraging bad eating habits that will result in the kids becoming fatter and wider than...
View ArticleDiseases of the Obese
These diseases are associated with obesity. Diabetes – blood sugar level is not in balance where its levels are too high. Can lead to many complications if left untreated High Blood Pressure – can lead...
View ArticleHoodia Imports and Smuggling Seized
European customs officials have been seizing the imports of hoodia pills and capsules that have been attributed to helping people lose weight. The African hoodia plant is classified as endangered....
View ArticleSugar is the Bane of Weight Loss
Sugar is so bad that it will ruin your every weight loss attempt. No matter how many days that we go to the gym, the empty calories of sugar will spoil all the time we spend at the gym. We have to...
View ArticleObesity Prevention Tips # 12 – Brush Your Teeth
We are surrounded by food 24/7. A means to fight these urges for a piece of candy, or a pack of chips is head over to the sink and brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth helps to keep your mouth...
View ArticleCarnie Wilson Manages Weight with Gastric Bypass
Carnie Wilson lost 150 pounds from 300 pounds at one point after gastric bypass surgery. (Gastric bypass in no simple surgery, where doctors reduce your stomach to the size of a walnut and reconnect...
View ArticleWeight Loss Shirt – The Mountain Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt
Scientists have been perplexed at the phenomenon of the weight loss results produced by the mystical Three Wolf Moon t-shirt. Customers swears by the results. See for yourself of the before and after...
View ArticleFood Diary Leads to Weight Loss
You are what you eat; and keeping a food diary helps to reinforce the idea of eating healthier to lose weight and to eliminate the bad foods that contribute to the obesity epidemic. If you are...
View ArticleBest Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss
Did you know that eating more of certain fruits and vegetables could help you lose weight instead of gaining weight? The numbers don’t lie. Edamame Cauliflower Apple/Pears Berries Cauliflower Green...
View ArticleValerie Bertinelli Discusses Weight Loss Battle
Valerie Bertinelli sat down with CBS News Sunday Morning to discuss her bout with food due to her own insecurities. She has lost 40 pounds with Jenny Craig after she joined the program at 172 lbs. Now...
View ArticleDonna Simpson – World’s Heaviest or Fattest Woman (Her Quest)
Donna Simpson is no doubt a very very big woman. She currently holds the Guinness world record for being the heaviest woman to give birth, and on a quest to become the heaviest (or fattest) woman in...
View ArticleLiraglutide Leads to Weight Loss for People with Type 2 Diabetes
A study on diabetes drug Lirgalutide shows significant weight loss progress in participants with type 2 diabetes. On average a higher does led to an average weight loss of 14.1 lbs verses 4.8 lbs for...
View ArticleMandisa of American Idol 5th Season Loses 80 Lbs
Working with a personal trainer, Mandisa managed to lose 80 pounds of weight and hopes to lose up to 100 lbs or more. Along with regular exercise 3-4 times a week, she has completely cut out processed...
View ArticleJessica’s Weight Loss Success Story
Even if you are a fitness trainer, you still have to watch what you eat. At 5’3″ and 155 pounds, Jessica was overweight until she decided to lose the 25 pounds that was holding her back. She took...
View ArticleBeyonce is Not Fat
Contrary to what people on Twitter are saying about Beyonce’s size from her Super Bowl 50 performance, Beyonce is not fat. She’s looks fit as ever, and probably feels great....
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