Losing Weight with a Personal Trainer
Losing weight and dieting can be a struggle when you don’t surround yourself with like minded people. Linda Babcock managed to lose 120 pounds working with Brent Swansen (who happens be a professional...
View ArticleHealthy Fats that Everyone can Have
Know your healthy fats, and you are on your way to losing weight with eating good fats. Avocados – high in healthy fats, makes great guacamole Olive Oil – replace your vegetable and corn based cooking...
View ArticleMichelle Wie Diet & Fitness
Michelle Wie recently signed a sponsorship deal with McDonald’s making it a sure thing that Happy Meals will be a part of her diet and fitness plans. The question on everyone’s mind is what does a...
View ArticleIf You are Overweight
If you are overweight, try sitting through many meals with people who are on a diet, eating regularly, or simply not watching their weight and you will observe a big difference in the way people are...
View ArticleThe Secret Behind Prevention Magazine’s 400 Calorie Meal Plans
The 400 calorie meals and entree dishes look absolutely stunning throughout the book. So what’s the secret behind this amazing diet that will help you lose weight? No soda or fruit juice! Drink water....
View ArticlePossible Junk Food Tax
Unhealthy eating and foods continue to contribute to the obesity epidemic the same way that smoking contributes to increase incidences of lung cancer. While food corporations make money off sugar water...
View ArticleObese Individuals Are in Denial
75% of obese people rate themselves with “health as good, very good or excellent”. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/19/3042007.htm If this is true, we wonder when was the last time these...
View ArticleJunk Food, Binge Drinking, and Lack of Exercise
Does the headline describe the lifestyle you grew up with? Then welcome to bulge generation that is contributing to record numbers being treated in hospitals for obesity. 18-30 year old’s don’t know...
View ArticleCereal is Bad for Weight Loss
Let’s repeat that again. Cereal is bad for weight loss. Why? A majority of cereals have a lot of sugar. When mixed with milk, it is a double whammy on your dieting goals. If you are serious about...
View ArticleLindsay Lohan Attributes Weight Loss to Stress
Earlier in the year of 2009, Lindsay Lohan’s drastic weight loss shocked her fans into thinking that she was overly skinny. In interviews with US Weekly, she attributed the rapid drop in weight due to...
View ArticleBody Image and Weight Loss
Many of us struggle with weight loss because of poor body image. Even when the scale shows us losing 10 pounds after several weeks of changed eating habits and a more active lifestyle, our heads are...
View ArticleObesity Prevention Tips # 13 – Write Down What You Eat
Write down what you eat for a full week and analyze all the bad food that you can eliminate from your diet. Remove these food items from your sight or throw them out completely if you are serious about...
View ArticleLosing Too Much Weight Can Be Tragic
Our condolences go out to Samantha Clowe, who died from heart failure while on a low calorie diet. So far it is inconclusive whether her heart condition was a prolonged result of her weight or...
View ArticleApplying Tiger Woods’ Shortcomings to Weight Loss
Tiger Woods had the world on his finger tips, and all it took was a few missteps to have his world turn upside down. Hit a hydrant and a tree with an SUV, then everything turns into a media circus with...
View ArticleFat Houses, an Illegal Practice
On the other side of the obesity spectrum, there are fat houses in Nigeria where women are fattened up like livestock in a 3 month time period. Purpose? Make her fat, so she can get married. The...
View Article5:2 Diet
The 5:2 diet has been a success for many celebrities. Some swear by it. For 5 days of the week, eat what you want. As long as you have 2 days of very limited caloric intake or near starvation. It helps...
View ArticleBlair Underwood Loses 20 Pounds
Your body belongs to you, and you can do whatever you want. But do you really want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks by starving yourself?...
View ArticleWeight Loss for Wedding
Weight loss tips for new brides to be: Drink lots of water Watch what you eat Stay active Think about the goal and enjoy the journey You will be able to fit into a smaller sized dress before you know...
View ArticleDanica Patrick Diet
Danica Patrick’s diet helps her maintain a lean strong driving machine body. Danica’s secret is a high protein diet (lean meats, beans, soy, and low-fat dairy). Breakfast 3 egg white omelets bowl of...
View ArticleJump Start the Day with a Big Breakfast to Lose Weight
Eating a big solid breakfast helps you lose weight because it is simply the most important meal of the day. After a full night’s rest, your body and mind demands to be recharged. Otherwise, it will...
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